Namun isu yang dibangkitkan oleh Erma yang bercanggah dgn Ahmad Idham akan peranan yang dimainkan oleh filem atau drama Melayu kita sama ada memberi pendidikan atau semata2 commercial (dalam ertikata semata2 untuk mengaut untung sahaja).
Kita semua tentu sudah sedia maklum akan maksud dan tujuan kita pergi menonton filem atau menghabiskan masa menonton drama2 TV (yg merupakan hiburan percuma). Hiburan percuma pun kalau tidak menghiburkan hanya akan dapat cemuhan dan kutukan dari penonton sahaja. Jadi, itulah dia yang dikehendaki oleh penonton ...... 'hiburan' yg betul2 hiburan yg sebenar2nya .... untuk menghiburkan hati.
Hiburan yang disajikan kpd penonton kalau sekadar memperbodoh2kan .... atau secara ala kadar .... main 'tangkap-muat' saja ..... atau sajian secara 'cincai' ......persembahan yg tak senonoh pada pandangan khalayak umum ......yg merosak akhlak anak2 muda ...dgn memberi contoh2 teladan yg buruk (negatif) untuk mereka mudah diikuti ... serta disulami dgn persembahan yang mengada2, melampau2, yang terhegeh-hegeh mcm kera beruk sarkas ..... yang tidak punyai idea sendiri atau banyak memaparkan persembahan yang 'stereotype' ..... balik2 "the same old thing" ....... asyik2 itu saje ...... Itulah sebabnya ramai yang beranggapan filem2 dan drama2 tempatan kita banyak yang sesuai untuk di'bakul-sampah' saja.
Walau apa pun ..... penonton2 sama ada yang menonton filem ataupun drama2 Melayu boleh dikatakan kesemuanya (99.99%) hendak menghiburkan diri mereka dgn menonton sajian dari filem2 atau drama2 ..... itu memang tidak boleh dinafikan. Mereka akan rasa terhibur jika sesuatu filem atau drama yang mereka tonton itu tidak 'dry' dan membosankan. Oleh itu filem atau drama adalah alat yang memainkan peranan sebagai 'media entertainment' ..... iaitu alat media hiburan - disamping ada juga diselit unsur2 pengajaran (pelajaran/pendidikan)....... dimana selalu diperkatakan ....."disebalik persembahan dari filem atau drama2 ada 'message' yang dibawanya."
Justeru, disamping berhibur - penonton2 juga sedikit sebanyak dapat manfaat dari 'message' atau 'pengajaran' yang dibawa melalui filem atau drama2 itu. Jadi, filem dan drama2 yang mungkin berunsur hiburan semata2 hiburan itu sekurang2nya memberi juga pengajaran (pendidikan).. Hanya kita sebagai penonton harus pandai menggunakan akal fikiran yang dianugerah Tuhan dalam hal2 perkara seperti ini.
Cuba kita ambil contoh.... back to the good old days.... semasa kita masih dibangku sekolah dulu...
Kalau cikgu kita hanya pandai mengajar semata2 mengajar kita dlm kelas secara serious tanpa menyelit sebarang jenaka & kelakar .... akan membuat murid2 semua bosan dan mengantuk .... itu sebab ramai juga yg tertidur dlm kelas semasa cikgu dok serious sangat mengajar .... (too dry lah tu .... sampai murid2 naik bosan akhirnya mengantuk hingga tertidur dalam kelas). Dan kesannya .... ajaran dalam apa subjek apapun tidak sampai kepada sasaran (iaitu murid2) .... dan dengan itu menyebabkan mereka tidak berminat akan belajar subjek yg disampaikan secara 'strict & serious' tanpa ada unsur 'humour' yg boleh memberi rangsangan.
Macam tu jugalah jika filem2 dan drama2 kita berperanan seperti cikgu2 yang sebegitu. Penonton tidak akan berminat disebabkan kesan2 atau 'effect' yang membosankan.
Begitu jugalah dgn hal filem2 dan drama2 kita kini ..... pembelajaran atau pendidikan melalui filem & drama2 kita boleh disampaikan secara tidak langsung atau secara selit menyelit (seperti sindir menyindir, kiasan, perbandingan dan sebagainya) secara persembahan yang punyai tema berunsurkan hiburan. Barulah sampai kepada matlamat dan tujuan akan sesuatu 'message' yang hendak disampaikan.
Itukan biasanya orang cakap tentang 'message' ....... apa message kita dapat dari filem atau sesuatu drama itu?
wasted the oppurtunity to make our country as great as
our neighbour down south, which inescapbly will always
be the yardstick by which the progress of the country
and the achievement of our leadership must be measured.
For 22 years under tdm we were pursuing 'development'
agenda which appeared grandiose and visible at the outset
but in my view wanting in substance. KLCC, putrajaya and
some mega projects are all that we have to show
for something like RM 400 billions of oil money?
The relevant social engineering questions that we need to
ask would include?
> have we met the objectives of RMP 4,5, and subsequent rmp 's.
I believe the gomen have skipped asking whether such objectives
were ever met? Now we are in 9th mp without realising the effectiveness
the 6th,7th, 9th malaysia plans. Can we say that we have less poor people
in this country compared to the 1980's?
Statistics indicate that out annual incomes improved tremendously.
But would this translate into a meaningful lives of ordinary people
who make up 80 per cent of the population? From the terrible
state of 'uncollected municipal rubbish ' in Terengganu I would
imagine people in oil -rich Terengganu are among the hard core poor of this
>Has the ministry of housing met the housing need of the population?
We do not know what the declared objectives? But comparing the
standards and quantity of housing with our neighbour's surely is like
comparing the pumpkin and the small wild berry found wild.
Not having funds cannot be an excuse because we could afford a new
airport, a F1 track and fancy putra jaya!
>So far we have build all the grand infrastructure projects with
foreign labour. Now can we build future buildings and infrastructures
with our local expertise from our youth? Our social engineering in the
youth sector is emphasized with lots of songs/videos on the rakan theme
with no visible success in any area. A few years ago menteri
Azalina reported that there were a million drug addicts , and probably
90 per cent of them were Malays. The story that a deceased top
police officer left a legacy of rm 47 million fuelled the
rumours that the assets could be ill gotten -the result of a
failure in drug enforcement!
Why in the world did the top leadership spend money for the monsoon
cup? An investment in goodwill as I cannot see any viable finacial
returns. Spending rm 800 million over 10 years to get a
couple of millions a year for the local economy?
Is the local politico thick in the head or plain unashamedly corrupt
like the deceased police chief who left a rm 47 million legacy?
Building silly stadiums [which collapsed embarassingly] and
fancy cristal mosque where there is no population to use the facilty
are the worst crime committed by tun dollah and his high
faluting level 4 morons .
The present pm najib is investing in a Formula 1 which I think is
extravagant considering the state of the economy today. It cost Sterling 40 million
to participate and another 40 million to run at the lowest level
in a year. This is big money for the whole country.
Is the investment going to bring in rm 10million in tourist
dollars in a year? Possible but a poor strategy for resource allocation. . There are
other pressing needs that need to be addressed. Employment ,crime
which are related to the lack of employment need urgent attention.
The free wheeling financial exuberance policies of tdm in the 90's
cost all malaysians dearly even today . A sialan that parents who
have childrens overseas have to lived with. No thanks to tdm
the exchange rate for the usd have risen from the wonderful rm 2.20
to the 3.60 that we are suffereing now. Why ? We want to sell
more protons? Is selling 30 000 protons or even less with falling
exports the reason why parents whose children are studying overseas
must suffer the extra cost of exchange rate?