Monday, March 8, 2010

FCUK stands for what? Farid Kamil woi .... as if we don't know?

I think (no no I don't have to think) ..... YOU KNOW ..... I KNOW ..... EVERYBODY KNOWS.
The whole wide world knows what it stands for ...... FCUK .... is it misprint? misspell? miss this? miss that?

That FCUK printed in BIG BOLD CAPITAL BLOCKS on your T-SHIRT that day when you become the 'tetamu undangan' di Malaysia Hari Ini (TV3 punya program) (atau Wanita Hari Ini?) .... Whatever lah ... but it's still that bloody TV3 punya siaran (under Media Prima plak tu).... buleh allow such thing to happen .... that guest (whoever) simply put on their kind of dress or outfit as they like ka? That's so obscene to some people .... since that bloody TV3 program broadcast throughout the whole country ... the one and only one Malaysia. What the FUCK .... that's what it is ..... that's what it REALLY IS ..... the whole world knows...... that FCUK means FUCK ....... FUCK FUCK FUCK ..... no doubt only one word FUCK big enough printed on your t-shirt ..... on your damn t-shirt you put on to show to the rest of the people of one Malaysia.

But don't you ever realised that (as well as TV3 itself) ever did realise that younger children or the younger generations are also watching. And they tend to just follow whatever shown on tv.
And that TV3 too should've put a stop to this awkward and unbecoming showing-off for nothing good whatsoever.

Patutlah pengacara/hos tv Wardina ada buat komen tentang betapa rendahnya moral artis2 kita. Memang tepat sekali .... memang tidak boleh disangkal lagi .....walaupun bukan semua tapi kebanyakan .... mostly and almost every artis tempatan kita memang sering mempamirkan unsur2 negatif saja (dengan restu, kerjasama serta galakan dari media2 (tv dan juga cetak).

Memang aku tak sangka betoi seorang seperti yg katanya terpelajar (from UiTM plak tu) buleh dok tunjuk dok tayang cara dressing dia ... cara dan gaya dia pakai dgn terpampang FCUK didada beliau. Apa ingat orang lain tak tau ka apa yg terpampang dgn FCUK didada hang tu .... woi mamat Kedah .... awat hang loklaq sangat .... kurang ajaq kata oghang Kedah ..... bikin malu anak Kedah saja.

Itulah seorang pengkarya ... penggiat seni konooon .... yang baru nak meningkat naik dah nak tunjuk belang dan tembelang .... tu baru pertamakali mengarah filem .... baru first time dapat peluang jadi pengarah filem .... dah tunjuk lagak LOKLAQ dan KURANG AJAR dihadapan penonton seluruh Malaysia. Apa itukah contoh yang hang nak bawa dan nak promo untuk dan kpd peminat2 hang dan penonton2 kita?

Apakah itu yang betoi2 tersemat dihati beliau? FCUK to those who watch and see that program on tv3? Apa yang dicakap lain .... tapi didalam hati lain ...dan itulah 'the silent cried out loud' from the heart (yg tersemat didada beliau) .... FCUK ....... in other words ..... that is FUCK.

YES! As if "FUCK YOU ALL THOSE WHO WATCH THIS PROGRAM" ....that's what he intends to mean from the heart (as that FCUK is clearly tersemat DI DADA where the heart is).

Yet the TV3 allow and approve such obscene scenario over their own program.

What a pity.

dari Penonton bengang,

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