Sunday, March 14, 2010


Melayu bukan setakat MUDAH LUPA saja.
Melayu bikin segala-galanya mudah.
Mudah dalam serba serbi .... pendek kata segala-galanya.
Memang pun Melayu mudah lupa.
Melayu sentiasa lupa.
Melayu selalu lupa.
Melayu memanjang lupa.

Salah satu ekzampel - beberapa insiden dimana ramai kalangan Melayu kita yang 'happened' to be living (working) in Northern Europe particularly Norway and Sweden and the like ..... used to come back and told some of their relatives, friends and colleagues that all those people in Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark and others are so stupid that all the fish heads (kepala ikan yg boleh bikin kari) semuanya di buangkan saja. And these Malaysians (mostly Malays) happily picked those freely available fish-heads from the wet-markets ... and they thought that they're brilliant..... and feel happy somemore .... but they never know that they're really damned stupid fools. No wonder they never learn or never did any research as to why people over there (especially the Whites) never eat the fish-heads (they just discard away like unwanted items .... inedible items so to say). But the Malays (who thought that they're so smart and intelligent (that's why they can be there and be working and living there probably as expatriates) .... and yet they never want to see (to know) the reasons as to why the people over there never consumed fish-heads. And they (the Malays) think that they're intelligent.

In our own country Malaysia, almost all Malay-folks like to eat fish-heads as their main items in their daily meals. They never know that .... not the slightest thought from their thick heads that that's the reason why Malays seems to be forgetful (besides being nyanyuk/senile) ..... and that's why ..... Melayu mudah lupa.

Cakap pasal mudah .... memang Melayu semua hendak mudah belaka.... segala2nya nak mudah saja.... cepat dan mudah.

Lihatlah kesan pelaburan2 seperti 'skim cepat kaya' ..... 'labu peram' - 'Skim Pelaburan Pak Man Telo' dan berbagai2 lagi.

Siapa yang jadi mangsa? Kebanyakannya Melayu kitalah yang jadi mangsa. Ini disebabkan kerana ingin kaya cepat dengan cara mudah ...... berdasarkan skim2 yang di perkenalkan. Dan mereka Melayu2 ni mudah terpikat dan percaya apalagi mudah berangan2 nak jadi kaya ...... nak capai impian dan idaman dengan sekelip mata.

Dan tentang istilah 'MUDAH' ..... memang amat sinonim dengan Melayu kita.

Melayu mudah percaya.
Melayu mudah terpengaruh.
Melayu mudah terpikat.
Melayu mudah teruja.
Melayu mudah terpedaya.
Melayu mudah meniru
Melayu mudah di tipu.
Melayu mudah dipermainkan.
Melayu mudah dikelentong.
Melayu mudah melatah.
Melayu mudah melenting.
Melayu mudah mengamuk.
Melayu mudah emosional.
Melayu mudah merajuk.
Melayu mudah naik angin
Melayu mudah mengikut membuta tuli
Melayu mudah jadi pak turut
Melayu mudah termakan dgn janji
Melayu mudah diperbodohkan
Melayu mudah diperkotak-katikkan
Melayu mudah di umpan
Melayu mudah digula2
Melayu mudah terpengaruh dadah
Melayu mudah kelam mata

Pendek kata segala macam 'mudah' iaitu 'sikap ambil mudah' ada pada diri orang Melayu.

P/S : Even the ikan bilis heads shouldn't be consumed. This can be found in the nasi lemak where the ikan bilis together with their heads would be cooked together as the gravy sambal dish.

Melayu pandai dengan peribahasa dan pepatah nya seperti "Pelanduk lupakan jerat"..... tetapi tidak realise yang 'ikan selalu terkena umpan' atau 'termakan umpan' ...... sebab apa? kerana ikan selalu lupa akan umpan...... kerana there must be something wrong with their heads (i.e the kepala ikan/fish-heads). Umpan itu pun jerat juga. Ikan dok sentiasa lupa akan umpan sentiasa kena jerat dgn pemancing. Begitu juga dgn Melayu2 yang jenis mudah lupa .... sentiasa dokTERKENA ..... TERTIPU .... TERJERAT ..... TERPEDAYA memanjang.

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